Jakarta, December 31, 2018 - On December 27, 2018 and December 28, 2018, a digital-based telecommunications issuer, PT Mitra Komunikasi Nusantara Tbk (MKNT) through its subsidiary PT Mitra Sarana Berkat (MSB), sold all of its ownership in PT Kasih Anugerah Kreasi (KAK ) to PT Mitra Abadi Seluler (MAS) totaling 249,999 (two hundred forty nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine) shares or equal to 9.77% of the Company's equity with a transaction value of Rp. 27,499,890,000 (twenty seven billion four hundred nine forty nine million eight hundred ninety Rupiah)
The impacts on the issuer are as follows:
• Impact of Information on Operational activities:
With the Release of Equity Participation, the Company focuses more on Digital ecosystem.
• Impact of Information on Law:
With the Release of Equity Participation, the company is no longer the Shareholder of PT Kasih Anugerah Kreasi (KAK), so that it no longer has the rights and obligations of the shareholders of PT Kasih Anugerah Kreasi (KAK)
• Impact of Information on Financial Conditions:
The Company obtained additional funding that could be used to strengthen the cash flow and capital of the Company
• Information impact on business continuity:
The sustainability of the Company is getting better and more sustainable